It's a long time since Christmas but I thought I would share a few photos while I sort though a heap from the last couple of weeks.
Having worked for Rupert for a few days it dawned on me that I hadn't got any plans for Christmas, and I hadn't really given myself the best chance to meet anyone to spend it with. Even though that changed by the end of my time with Rupe and Lou I was desperate to go back to Aus (having been semi invited) so I booked a flight for Christmas Eve.... I just neglected to tell Beth.
George's original plans had fallen through so he ended up being another stray taken in by the Wakelings, which Linda loved I'm sure. My first southern hemisphere Christmas turned out to be one of the best I've had, despite being so far from home, soz fam.
A couple more weeks of pottering around the sunshine coast followed until I flew back to Auckland a week or so into the new year.
Having worked for Rupert for a few days it dawned on me that I hadn't got any plans for Christmas, and I hadn't really given myself the best chance to meet anyone to spend it with. Even though that changed by the end of my time with Rupe and Lou I was desperate to go back to Aus (having been semi invited) so I booked a flight for Christmas Eve.... I just neglected to tell Beth.
George's original plans had fallen through so he ended up being another stray taken in by the Wakelings, which Linda loved I'm sure. My first southern hemisphere Christmas turned out to be one of the best I've had, despite being so far from home, soz fam.
A couple more weeks of pottering around the sunshine coast followed until I flew back to Auckland a week or so into the new year.
Happy belated New Year! I will probably be playing catch up over the next few days so keep an eye.