I'm working through a back log of pics and bits and bobs. I've been in NZ for about 5 days and will having plenty to show for it soon, in the mean time, the second leg of our road trip.
Beth had a last minute interview the day after leaving Moreton so we drove back up the Sunshine coast for the night, before a slog south to Yamba, and a campsite just south at Redcliff. The weather was turning after two weeks of blue skies. We jumped out of Krudler, pretty stoked on the stormy outlook and had a blustery walk along the cliffs. We set up camp for the next couple of days of kangaroos, emus, back burning, and insane mid storm moonlit swims. Fairly Aussie.
Beth had a last minute interview the day after leaving Moreton so we drove back up the Sunshine coast for the night, before a slog south to Yamba, and a campsite just south at Redcliff. The weather was turning after two weeks of blue skies. We jumped out of Krudler, pretty stoked on the stormy outlook and had a blustery walk along the cliffs. We set up camp for the next couple of days of kangaroos, emus, back burning, and insane mid storm moonlit swims. Fairly Aussie.
The storm hit pretty heavily on our last morning, leaving us to take shelter and have a solid run of O and Xs in Krudler. The tent took a beating. Once it calmed enough to pack up we followed the storm towards Byron Bay and coincidently George, a mate from Uni. The weather peaked at some point that evening and we found ourselves in the middle of a 360° light show up at Byron lighthouse.
Chase storms. |